Do we recognize Him?

This week our Sunday School lesson is on John 5:1-15 – the invalid man who was by the pool of Bethesda.

As I was reading the passage, verses 6-9 stand out

When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. (from NIV)

Based on the sick man’s responses he was unaware of who just was.

This is not the only time in the New Testament people did not recognize Jesus. I think of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-25.

When Jesus was on earth He had a physical body, and so it might be easy for us to wonder why people did not recognize Him.

Now He is no longer present in His physical body but we have His Presence and His Spirit. Daily, moment by moment, He is with us in each situation and circumstance, He may be trying to show us something, or He may put people in our path that need help. Yet I wondered for myself….

How often do I go through my day and not recognize His work? Or His Presence?

It may be that I don’t recognize His ability to carry me about momentary problems, therefore I try to do it in my own strength.

Or maybe I go running through my days, not recognizing the times of refreshment His has prepared for me.

Whatever it is, I desire to see Him in every second of my day – to have my heart in tune with His.

Lord, open our eyes and ears to be aware of Your Presence, of Your guidance and direction. Amen



BeyondHeadKnowledge_24MARBeyond Head Knowledge: Knowing Christ who Satisfies Our Hearts by Naomi Fata, is now available for pre-order through and Barnes and Noble.


About Naomi Fata

My name is Naomi Fata. I'm a sewing entrepreneur offering the local community bridal alterations and custom slipcovers, while teaching sewing as a life skill in the online space. In addition to sewing I write God’s Corner for the local newspaper and am passionate about inspiring others to find ways to use their God given gifts in their circle of influence. I am the author of Beyond Head Knowledge: Knowing Christ Who Satisfies Our Hearts and am the creator of two sewing themed journals. My husband and I reside in upstate New York, and homeschool their three children.
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    Do we recognize Him?

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